Most men who dream to increase their "dignity", and rarely think about the fundamental ways to solve the problem. Knowing, even approximately, how action to increase member, not many decide on such a responsible step. Unlike women, plastic surgery scares the strong half of humanity, but there are cases where no medical treatment is required.

Methods of penis enlargement
Surgery on the penis is carried out in several ways:
- Surgical. It can be used to enlarge the penis 2 to 4 cm during the operation to remove the bundles, and the inner part is pulled out. Together with the lengthening can be thickening. This is injected under the skin of liquid filler.
- Method. The heated salt is placed in a cloth bag and attached to the member. Further, it is desirable to cause an erection and the treatment of sexual lubricant. Then perform 40-50 stretching member. Gradually the number of stretch marks more. Blood circulation in the body improves, deep folds stretched and the penis will become slightly longer.
- Massage. It is recommended three times a week, tightly the lock member and pulling a little. A few months of hard massage of the penis increase in size to 2-3 cm.
- Simply drag member extender. Hang the head of the device works on the penis by stretching and promotes the growth of tissues. This method gives a positive result, but requires a long time wear. It is available for most men who want to breed "human value", and due to urological problem, they can take advantage of anyone.
- If a man scares the augmentation of the penis, he may appeal to the medical center, where he will make the extrusion with the help of vacuum pump. This method allows not only to extrude the genital organ, but also to make it more flexible. If the money clinic, you can buy the pump and do the pump penis at home. The action of the pump is a vacuum created by the pump. Because stretching increases blood flow to the penis and increases its thickness. The systematic application of quality of erection is improved. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to carry out the procedure twice a day. There are several contraindications to the use of vacuum for the men, one of which is bad blood circulation.
- There are creams, lotions, lubricants and gels working for penis growth without surgery. Experts are skeptical, such as the patented and clinically tested medicines that have a similar effect, does not exist.
If the problem is not sex, and the man wants to give women more pleasure, increase penis size, you can use a special silicone attachments, which are sold in sex shops.
Indications for surgery
"One of the villages the average penis size is 14 cm and another 25 cf. Why such a difference? Because the first village, was measured with a ruler, and another conducted a survey". This joke may seem funny a man, if he has these "14 cm" and problems with potency and sex life is not happening. Augmentation of the penis is sometimes not just a spur of the moment, because of uncertainty about the person himself, but an acute need. Surgical measures in such cases:
- violation of blood circulation in the male member, due to vascular diseases. As a result, the body is deformed, diminished, or lost power;
- congenital malformations, curvature, hypoplasia of the penis;
- mechanical damage, injuries;
- age-related changes related to the gradual degeneration of the structures and tissues of the penis;
- growth of cartilage tissue or the corpora cavernosa of the member;
- cut close to the body (e.g., rectum, bladder or prostate cancer);
- penis length less than 12 cm in the excited state;
- the surgery sex change.

Thanks to the current technology, it is possible to reduce, to condense, lengthen and straighten the reproductive organ.
Experts believe that the body size a little smaller than average, it is possible not to worry and not live in some aesthetic defects. How necessary is plastic surgery penis enlargement, the doctor will decide, based on the complaints of the patient and many other parameters. If the sexual organ is not working properly, then the direct indications for intervention did not.
Preparation for surgery
Deciding on penis enlargement surgery men is stored in the consultation of the selected clinic. Next we will look at an expert and tell you all the intricacies of the event.
In some clinics, patients show a video that recorded the whole procedure and it is clearly shown how the augmentation of the penis. Ordinary and untrained person, it looks pretty scary. And because of the long rehabilitation period and painful, the future is not the best color for you. Therefore, the representatives of the stronger sex, I decided to cut the penis, you can see exactly what to expect from them and possibly change the decision.
Plastic surgery penis enlargement is possible only when a full inspection, and the exclusion of a number of contraindications. The doctor should review the patient's blood test to find out:
- group and RH factor;
- the time convolution of the blood;
- screening for infections such as HIV and hepatitis;
- in addition, patients undergo an electrocardiogram.
Most operations are performed under general anesthesia, it is important to consult an anesthesiologist. The "day" it is prohibited to drink water and eat food.
What happens during surgery
The first and most burning question, which asked patients: how much more will become a member after surgery. Another equally exciting question is how it becomes thicker. The magnitude and width of the organ after the procedure depends on what operation was performed.
Special plastic is usually performed in two ways:
- Elongation of the body.
- Thickening of the member number.
Sometimes the operation is performed in a comprehensive manner, by increasing and decreasing the size of the penis.
Penis enlargement
Surgery is virtually painless and the most common method has many advantages and has a minimum of contraindications. Usually it is well tolerated and does not cause complications. Thank you to everyone who wants to increase their genital organ a man can use this method.
Before the procedure, the expert should tell the patient how surgery penis enlargement and what to expect.
- the patient receives anesthesia;
- surgically through a small contact in the scrotum, the supporting ligament of the penis is dissected. He goes deep into the hips and keep your bones;
- when the restraint of the ligaments, the inner part of the male member (which is 2 to 5 cm) pull the extender is a special device. Thus, visually, the member gets more than 3-5 cm;
- surgery for penis enlargement lasts for a maximum of 15 minutes.
The rehabilitation period includes bed rest, the patient was able to recover and not have any unwanted effects. After discharge, you need to:
- from time to time to visit an andrologist;
- take prescribed antibiotics and painkillers;
- hygiene of the penis;
- do not wear tight underwear;
- avoid heavy physical exertion;
- use the extender for 3 to 6 months.
Complete recovery occurs within six months. Dissected ligament prevents the back inner part of the back member. Observing all the prescriptions, the patient is satisfied with the result.
Topics include:
- untreated comorbidities;
- violation of the system of blood clotting;
- genitourinary infection.
You can add a member through surgery can face up to 18 years.
Terrible scars and cuts on the body remains. Experts claim that the action of lengthening of a member does not affect blood vessels, muscles and tendons, does not affect the potency and cause erectile problems in the future.
In some cases, the patient is recommended to use the extender for six months, until finally after surgery. This will enhance the print and strengthen the effect of surgical lengthening of the penis.

Need to start 2 hours, gradually increasing the wearing time of the device 6-8 hours a day. Painful sensations should arise. At times it is necessary to watch, that the foreskin does not slide the strap of the device. If the right to use the extender, the penis will experience stretch.
The stretch member is 5 mm to 10 days. The end result, man can enjoy only after 6 months of regular wear. "Hard-won inches" will live on.
Thickening of the penis
Experts claim that surgery to increase the male penis is mainly carried out elongation of the organ, a rare thickening. In order for a member of the "body" in two ways:
- Fat grafting – material "injection" under the skin of the penis is taken from the patient's subcutaneous fat folds. When manipulating the body becomes thicker than 1-1,5 cm, Doctors can perform surgery penis enlargement the volume injected under the skin of synthetic substance (gel or filler). But there is a high risk of complications. The new settings for 2-3 years must be returned again, because they have a reversible effect.
- More significant when microsurgical muscle transplantation. This is quite a complicated procedure to get 3-4 extra inches. Where the abdominal cavity is taken from the flap of muscle that wrap around the penis. The patient is under general anesthesia for about 3 hours and recover for several months. The results of muscle transplantation remain for life and not have the opposite effect.
Surgical increase of the member states, thus, requires a long recovery. Before you can rejoice the cherished volumes, the man has to refrain from intimacy for at least a month and limit physical activity. In the next six months can cause problems with erection. If this happens, doctors recommend to drink a special course of drugs that increase the potency.
General contraindications to these procedures are:
- the pathology of the diseases of the internal organs;
- vascular disease and poor circulation;
- infectious diseases;
- acute inflammatory processes;
- oncological diseases;
- blood clotting.
If in addition to the small member men have serious problems with potency, doctors recommend that the prosthesis (or implant prosthesis). The advance should not be afraid. If you look at the pictures, after the successful operation, we can see that the 'new' penis is no different from the present, and no woman will not notice the difference.
This is a very serious and complicated procedure. In this case the sexual organ is almost taken apart, so the rehabilitation period will be quite long.
How much is surgery for penis enlargement, this method depends on the quality of prosthesis clinic, qualification and experience of the doctor. The average implant costs around 6 thousand dollars, and about 200 thousand rubles. Dentures are:
- One-component plastic in the form of silicone-cylinder-thread basis. Install it without complications, the Only disadvantage is the hardness of the penis is constant. Sex just enough to lift it.
- Two-and three-component inflatable prosthesis. Consists of a plastic cylinder, in which the body rather than the deep bodies. The implant is equipped with a pump installed in the scrotum. To provide an erection time of many times to press the scrotum. After sexual intercourse the penis is bent by pressing the pump.
Resort to special surgical enlargement of the penis only in extreme cases, when other means do not help. The most common signs are:
- asthma pathology, including atherosclerosis of the blood vessels;
- deep fibrosis;
- syndrome Peyronie's;
- post-traumatic deformity, which caused the erectile dysfunction.
Previously, the patient has to do:
- Ultrasound of the penis;
- tests the blood;
- done angiography of the pelvic vessels;
- a visit to the urologist-andrologist.
The benefits of plastic repair
Plastic modern medicine marches forward, never ceases to surprise customers. Plastic surgery penis enlargement has long become a commonplace and not a surprise. If nature is not given to enjoy the large size – all scalpel can fix. The reason you will plastic surgeons can be such:

- because of the influence of pills and wonder drugs that increase sexual organ. In addition, they can have a negative impact erection and Overall condition of the body;
- vacuum devices resorted to by many men at home cause pain and do not always give a positive result;
- if the confidence of an expert, it can be anything health related complications change the volume and length of the "dignity" contribute to the improvement of tissue elasticity, fix various errors, such as scars, scars, burns.
Plastic surgery to increase penis done by experienced surgeons, who will observe that the patient is throughout the surgery. People can recover, perform a number of diagnostic and rehabilitation procedures. So his health is safety.