By increasing the length of the member is one of the main worries about 63% of men on earth. It turns out that not every representative of the stronger sex satisfied with the size of his dignity. The reason for this may be a beautiful woman, dreaming of deeper penetration or a feeling of inferiority, which can occur throughout life. Earlier was considered, that is a real problem, because you can make your penis longer was something out of science fiction, and now the practice to grow male organ become so evolved, that in order to achieve the desired result, after a short period of time.

In this article we will tell you how to increase penis length without surgery and a short period of time. All our recommendations are based on the experience of millions of people, and real scientists, doctors, and because you can use them without fear for their own health.
Penis enlargement through exercises
In fact, increasing the length of the penis possible at any age. Another thing is that 18 or 20 is much easier to do than 30, but also men who decide to increase their advantage after 40, paragraph the effectiveness of the methods used. Some of them require some volitional, and even physical exertion and other procedures are absolutely painless and can be performed in secret. Experts recommend to do special exercises to increase the length of the member, which can be done regularly, twice a day, you can achieve visible results after just one month. To implement, requires you can use warm water, a soft cloth and Terry towels. If you are ready to increase the manhood, you must perform the following manipulations with the penis:
- Moisten a rag with warm water;
- Wrap it in a member;
- Began to RUB his dick back-and-forth movements until you feel that it will become warmer;
- After that, wipe dry the penis;
- The rest of the genitals for about 5 minutes;
- Pull the skin of the head to the right, and then smoothly pull to the left.
The men who used these exercises to increase penis length, 3 weeks after they experience a visible result, the penis not only increased length, the amount of which is 3-4 cm, but also the width. The main advantage of this method is to increase the advantages is that it is not only, and even help get rid of many men's problems. For example, if until now you are suffering from impotence, when a special massage, you can't forget about him, if not forever, then for a very long time.
Which is better – gel or cream for penis enlargement?
If you don't believe, the massage member states, which increase in length and width, in this case, you can use many other techniques that will help achieve the goal. For example, the immensely popular special gels and creams that can help you achieve a larger penis size in just 14 days.
Acupressure and visualization to increase penis
In search of how to increase penile length, many men even use volitional methods of influence on the penis and leave positive feedback that this method. About 10% of men claim that they got make your body more thank you every day to visualize yourself the owner of a large member. Interestingly, experts also show that the effectiveness of this method, because if you "tune for certain wave", can cause blood to pool in his groin as to trigger the accelerated division of stem cells, through which member states and the increase in size.
Another equally amazing way, how to increase penis length at home is acupressure. The catch is that every human body has its individual points, the effect, which has beneficial effects on various organs in the human body. These points are located:
- The lobes of the ears;
- Feet;
- Palms.
It's not that you're looking for a simple way to increase your member, length and width, just find the right place, but to improve overall health to 100%, and can be, and find a special place, a regular clicking which causes the blood flow where you need it and add a penis to the desired size.
Hardware methods of penis enlargement at home
If you are interested in, is it possible to increase penis length using other methods, you can use the recommendations of doctors, and the use of special equipment, which has been created specifically for this purpose. For example, to search for new ways, how to increase penis thickness and length, you can use the vacuum pump. It is a special device, which is designed to pull the male sexual organ, but also contribute to the larger tide of his blood cells in the connective tissue. I saw the penis very quickly began to grow, and visible results can be obtain the first day of using a vacuum pump.

Among the disadvantages of this method are:
- Careless pump operation can cause damage to the skin of human dignity;
- The use of the pump associated with testing discomfort and even pain;
- After the first use, the member states must return to its original state after 24 hours.
If you want to, you can specify the result of using vacuum pump for 3-6 hours daily for 3-6 months. The result is to make the penis larger 3-5 cm and thicker 1.5 cm life.
Before you can increase your penis length at home using a penis pump or any other device that is designed for this purpose, it is recommended to visit an andrologist. The expert will produce a detailed consultation to determine the presence of contraindications to the device use and give recommendations for their proper use.
Remember: the pumps is prohibited:
- Patients with cardiovascular disease;
- The presence of neuroses and mental disorders;
- After transfer to the surgical procedures of the penis;
- If the skin on the man's wounds or other injuries;
- In that case, thrombophlebitis.
If you don't want to use the money to increase your rank you will be interested to know whether it is possible to increase penis length, by using the devices created by their own hands. The experts give a positive answer to this question and it is recommended to use the extender. It can be purchased at specialty stores or even do it yourself, improvised.
Traditional extender consists of:
- Two axis wire, solid plastic (suppositories grandma, too);
- Pressure plate made of plastic and the hinge;
- A flexible strip of plastic, a bundle of soft material.
The focus extender fell to the bottom of the penis, the loop is placed on the tip of my penis, so he delayed. The plastic strap of the harness to pull the head, which avoid compression of the blood vessels in the penis. By combining the presented material as in the picture, you get a homemade extender, which is quite usable.
Many users have already their own experience to test whether the homemade extender to increase penis length and were convinced of the positive result. Device to stretch the penis during the day, with the result that member states must "learn" the necessary dimensions, you can ask her yourself, and will be great forever. Wearing it will take as much as a vacuum device for lengthening, and the result of using the device will be the same. Contraindications to the use of the extender are also similar in that there is a vacuum pump. The only condition is the degree of excitement of interests, you need to adjust yourself, every week, adding to its 0.5 cm.
Now you know how to increase the size and width of manhood at home, and using the methods described to achieve your goal in a short period of time.