The Penis small size can be a problem for some men. Doctors say that this problem is more psychological, because it causes tension, which has a negative impact on your sex life. There are many functions that you can use in order to achieve the desired size of the male penis without surgery. Many of them have already been selected, but there is always a desire to learn something new and effective. As folk remedies many use ordinary baking soda. Today we will learn how to baking soda to increase the member states and how effective this method is.

Increase penis size using soda. But this method is time consuming, results increased at the same time, many studies is not more than four inches.
Before you start the procedure, you need to think carefully whether it is necessary. Doctors say that small size is one, which does not exceed ten centimeters in erection. The most common size of the penis in men is an average of more than eighteen inches in erection.
But sometimes the owners of the big size is not considered his pride and desire to increase it. In this case, the soda does not produce any result. Before you can add a member using soda, you need to know that this is useless, if congenital malformations or chronic diseases. In this case, need expert help.
The role of soda
Property of baking soda is its ability to quickly penetrate into the tissue and thin the blood. This ability is a subsidiary to enlarge the penis.
It is recommended to use this product as an additional means of training the penis. Soda is a tool that helps prevent injuries and negative consequences when performing some exercises, which is the risk of getting a blood clot.
Methods of use
Before you make a dick bigger at home soda, you need to decide how to take it, because there are several options. So, baking soda can be taken orally, make it the cream or the bath, creams. Take a closer look at each method.
This method is the most common and have been combined to perform certain exercises to the penis. One liter of water take one hundred grams of soda powder. Before you can add a member using soda, in a container, pour water a little more room temperature and planted in his powder. Baths take some time before the exercises, their duration should not exceed fifteen minutes.
This procedure is done twice a day for one month. Many men claim that this method was effective and does not cause side effects.
Lotions and compresses
Before, like baking soda to increase the member states with a compress or ointment, you need to prepare the solution. You can do this, take two table spoon of baking soda and dissolve in half a glass of warm water. Solution moistened gauze or a bandage and apply to the genitals.
The gauze should be long enough, can wrap around his whole body. Do this procedure is about three to ten days, otherwise it will not bring the desired result.
Solution of soda will drip two drops of oil of cypress or cardamom. The odor comes from the cast, helps to relax. After the procedure, you need time to lie in bed.

For those who know how baking soda will help increase member states during the month, but wants faster to buy the "right size", it is recommended to use soda cream. This powder, added to water in such an amount to form a paste of thick consistency. Water is added slowly, stirring all the time.
The resulting mixture is used as an independent tool or in combination with certain exercises. The ointment rubbed in for ten minutes the penis, do this gently, so as not to offend and not to harm. The procedure is performed three times a day.
The ointment can be prepared on the basis of honey. This twenty-five grams of baking soda diluted in one tablespoon of honey to the dining room. The mixture is rubbed into the penis. Many, who know how to increase penis soda, claim that you can repeatedly use such a tool to help strengthen the libido and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. You need to remember that honey can cause allergies, so use this method with caution.
To swallow a soda can in addition to the above-mentioned methods. This product has the ability to positively affect internal organs and systems. In some cases, the length of the penis is not fully revealed, because of the presence of men disease. Soda in this case will help get rid of toxins that can cause disease.
Think about how to increase member states ' soda recipe suggested by the Professor. Morning and evening should take a quarter teaspoon of soda powder between meals. The amount of powder gradually need to increase it to one spoon dining. You can also one tea spoon of baking soda diluted in half a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach in the morning.
To enhance the effect, it is recommended to apply special remedies that will increase the blood flow to the penis and strengthen the erection. It can be creams, sprays, capsules or drops.
We know how to increase the member states of the baking soda. But there are some recommendations, in order to avoid harmful consequences:
- Hyperacidity in the stomach is a risk of gastritis or ulcers. In this case, you can't take the soda inside.
- You can use baking soda for those who suffer from diabetes, because it has effect on blood cells.
- Do not use soda in the presence of malignant tumors. It promotes thinning of blood, not to provoke the spread of cancer cells throughout the body.
- Men who are interested in, such as baking soda to increase the member, but it is low stomach acidity, also it is not recommended to use the above methods.
- It is not recommended to use baking soda for those who have dry skin and increased sensitivity. It can cause irritation and inflammation.
For those who are interested in, such as baking soda to increase the member, you need to remember that this procedure is contraindicated. Use this food during the massage and the compresses is forbidden in some cases:
- the presence of wounds and dermatitis of the penis;
- allergic reactions;
- pathological changes in the penis.
The application of this is when foodstuff ingestion is forbidden in such cases:
- violations of gastric acidity, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer;
- individual intolerance to the product.
Only need to use a fresh product, so it is recommended to pay attention to the expiration date on the soda, which is listed on the packaging. In addition, if it has a yellowish tinge and an unpleasant odor, its use is also not allowed. If you have any reactions to the baking soda, you need to stop it. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Thus, a man who wants to change the size of their penis, is to set a clear goal. The chosen means to achieve the goal of baking soda is harmless. But there can be unpredictable reactions.
So before you engage in penis enlargement, people need to weigh all the "pros" and "cons", and only then proceed to the procedures. In any case, the problem of small penis size is purely psychological and does not require any measures, with the exception of congenital abnormalities that interfere with normal sex life. In such cases, surgical intervention. And we must remember that it is not the whole, and the ability to Express themselves in bed.