Although a 10-15 year old boy is not fully formed, he is already a man. However, during this period, teenagers begin to think about the size of the genitals, worrying about whether everything is in order and whether the size of the genitals is normal.
Parents and adolescents need to understand the physiological development of boys, how long the genitals should be at the age of 15-17, in order to identify abnormalities in a timely manner and take the necessary measures. After all, penis size is an important component of any man's intimate life.
With this in mind, it is necessary to understand how the genitals grow during puberty, to learn what to do in case of deviations from normal indicators? In addition, what is the value and risk of considering an aspect such as penis enlargement during adolescence?
How do teenagers develop?

For all boys, puberty begins at different times, depending on the individual characteristics of the adolescent. On average, puberty occurs at the age of 10-15. However, in some cases, delays in sexual development due to the characteristics of the boy are possible.
However, in other cases, the delay may indicate a hormonal imbalance, resulting in a decrease in the amount of male hormone in the body. In this case, you need to see a doctor immediately to be examined.
Due to the amount of male hormone that directly affects the growth and development of the genitals, the following changes occur during adolescence:
- The teenager's voice becomes deeper and louder.
- The genitals grow and develop.
- According to the type of man, a skeleton is formed, the boy "turns" into a man.
- Hair is visible on the face, groin.
In the absence of at least one of these symptoms, a deviation from the norm may be expressed, as a result of which certain treatment will be required. If the penis does not grow, your doctor may recommend hormonal therapy to normalize the full level of male hormones in the body.
Penis size according to puberty:
- At the age of 12-13, the size of the penis during an erection is 10-13 centimeters, and at rest - 6-7 centimeters.
- At the age of 15, the size of the penis varies from 13 to 15 cm in the upright position and between 7 and 9 cm in the relaxed position.
- A 16-17 year old member is about 16-18 cm in an upright position and 8 to 7 cm at rest.
If puberty continues normally, active penis enlargement occurs at the age of 16-17. By the age of 18, the size of the penis may change slightly or even shrink, as the penis will thicken.
In medical practice, there are cases when the genitals continue to grow until the age of 20-22 years, but such cases are very rare, the size has changed very little.
Why do teenagers want to enlarge their penises?

It is no secret that in today's world of high technology, even any teenager can look at any information. Of course, pornography is most popular during adolescence.
Seeing actors with quite impressive parameters, the boy, believing in the existence of a small reproductive organ, begins to create complexes and looks for ways to solve this problem.
It should be noted that the penis actively grows during sexual development, and if you take any measures to increase it, you can even slow down the growth of the penis. The real question is, how can you explain to a teenager why it is not possible to enlarge the penis?
- First, the boy must be given a medical measurement to prove that everything is normal and that there are no abnormalities.
- Second, it should be explained that the size of the penis is an individual physiological feature, and each man has his own anatomical shape and parameters of the genitals.
- Third, talk about the factors that really affect the genitals.
A number of factors affecting the growth and development of the penis have long been identified. The most common ones can be distinguished:
- The amount of male hormone in the body during adolescence.
- Hormone levels in the mother's body during pregnancy.
- Chronic diseases, endocrine diseases.
- Food quality, environment.
- Heredity.
Testosterone has been shown to directly affect penis size. If there is a hormonal disorder in the body during adolescence, as a result of which there is a deficiency of male hormones, the probability of a small penis size is very high.
Conversely, when the amount of sex hormone is normal or slightly higher during adolescence, it will have a positive effect on the growth and development of the future man's genitals.
Many chronic diseases and endocrine diseases can affect some body systems and cause a decrease in testosterone levels, so it is important to treat all pathologies in a timely manner.
Are There Safe Ways to Raise Teenagers?

It is a well-established fact that the quality of nutrition indirectly affects the development of the genitals. It is food that is the "building block" for human growth and development, and the lack of any elements has a negative impact on development.
An active lifestyle is also important because the negative relationship between penis weight and size has already been proven. In obese members of the stronger sex, the penis is visually smaller than it always is. According to this information, the genitals of a teenager can be enlarged in two ways:
- Optimal physical activity.
- Proper and balanced nutrition.
Exercise will have a beneficial effect not only on the growth of the penis, but also on the body as a whole. Doctors recommend swimming (it develops all muscle groups), cycling, running and other sports that you enjoy. A teenager can subscribe to various sections, where he will not only train, but also gain self-confidence and forget about the idea of a small penis.
When it comes to food, it has long been known that fatty and harmful foods have a negative effect on the human body. To enlarge the penis, you need to add the following foods to your diet:
- Lean red meat.
- Dairy products.
- Red fish, seafood.
- Eggs, caviar.
- Fresh vegetables and fruits.
Preferring protein foods, as well as foods rich in fiber, beneficial micronutrients and substances, avoid table salt, sweets, fizzy drinks, harmful foods - chips, crackers, etc. It is important to reduce consumption.
It should also be noted that if a teenager smokes, it has a negative effect on penis growth. Nicotine and tar, which penetrate the body, have a detrimental effect on blood vessels, resulting in loss of natural elasticity and strength, which in turn adversely affects the blood circulation in the body, including the pelvic region. organs.
When summarizing all the information, it should be noted that knowing the size of the penis at a certain age is a necessity to eliminate abnormalities in a timely manner. A teenager must remember that he grows and develops and with him the penis grows, so there is no need to enlarge the penis.