The issue of penis enlargement baking soda is raised by many men. In pursuit of their dignity, they are willing to do amazing things. Look at that soda promotes the growth of tissues as such – is highly controversial and requires further investigation. This applies not only to genitals, but also any other part of the body. Therefore, the situation on how to increase your member, using baking soda can be called quite reasonable. Let us examine this question step by step.
Where the idea of penis enlargement with the help of soda?

That penis enlargement with the help of baking soda to the reality began to think about the people who had read the positive impact of sodium bicarbonate the body in General and the urogenital system in particular.
After all, it is known that regular baking soda can be used as a good way to overcome prostatitis, or even a partial add power. Of course, don't expect too pronounced result, however, such an effect is the place to be.
However, how to increase penis of baking soda, unknown to anyone. If you ask about such an ordinary doctor, in most cases, he is puzzled or even laugh. Understand, it is not true this theory is more accurately understand what the baking soda.
Effect on the human body
Sodium bicarbonate is a natural alkaline, which can affect acid-alkaline balance in the body. Depending on how the person takes this tool varies in its effects on the body.
An interesting historical fact is that the soda used in the second world war during the relief of the special coma. It makes acidosis (increased acidity) in the blood, which helped save the people.
Currently, the most common applications of sodium bicarbonate further:
- Weight loss with the help of baths with baking soda.
- Improve skin quality.
- Cleansing the body of radioactive isotopes.
- Inflammatory processes (prostatitis, cystitis and other).
- To reduce the acidity of the stomach.
Despite the fairly wide range of applications, known as the white powder, they should not be abused. In case of overdose, and too long-term intake of soda can cause undesirable consequences that you will then have to be treated separately.
I can add that member to use baking soda?
Taking into account, the application of sodium bicarbonate, and the mechanism of its effects on the body (control of the acid-alkaline balance) it turns out that the direct effect of soda dimensions of manhood does not exist.
Minerals contain in their composition the white powder simply no features that could at least promote cell division, not to mention increase the entire body part.
Baking soda for penis enlargement are not suitable. He can't satisfy the desire of men. Despite what the recipe will choose the representative of the stronger sex similar effects the penis, it is inefficient.
Fortunately, the product price is low, so you can spend the money.
Soda and power

When a man asks a question about how you can add a member of baking soda, the only thing that advises him is to apply it as a stimulant power.
Immediately I must say that this practice is not useful, because it allows reception of the corresponding white powder. Too much time, this "treatment" increases the risk of progression of gastritis to its conversion to peptic ulcer disease.
However, the use of soda to promote power-partial penis enlargement (due to the normalization of the erection-and nothing else) is possible in the following situations:
- Infection of the prostate gland. Prostatitis lead to decreased sexual activity in men. Such a development caused by the deterioration of the affected area of the products are micro-organisms. To improve the health of the person and eliminate the source of inflammation, you can use sodium bicarbonate, which is a natural alkali. It neutralizes toxins and accelerate the healing process.
- Disruption of metabolic processes. Very often the metabolic disorders are accompanied by changes in pH to the acid side. This leads to a progression of the characteristic symptoms of decreased sexual activity, and the inability of the member to adequately fill with blood. The use of baking soda can help in this situation and to improve the quality of sex life.
The above mentioned mechanisms of action of the genitourinary system are very small. Therefore, you should never rely on soda as a means to overcome erectile dysfunction or increasing penis size. What soda can help in a number of diseases – the truth. However, this does not apply to impotence in bed, or too small size of a member.
How to increase penis?
Despite the fact that soda is ineffective to solve the problems in the intimate sphere, many men continue to look for ways to increase their dignity.
Although scientifically and shown that it is not so much the size of the thickness of the matters, men are still concerned about the insufficient number of centimeters.
In any case, the modern pharmaceutical market offers its customers a wide range of good medicines, which promise to add a few inches to the penis. How effective they are is difficult to say, because none of them examined the scientific requirements.

The majority of consumers must be the word of the manufacturer or a number of online reviews that are often paid and not true. Despite this, it is still worth mentioning a few really interesting tools.